Photo Contest for Pros
Every year, thousands of beautiful softball pictures are taken by professional / semi- professional / enthusiast photographers. The ESF values the work of all softball photographers, therefore this contest is organized specifically for those, who invest their time into creating beautiful softball photogalleries. We're looking for the best softball photographers in Europe!
This time, the theme is "the most attractive moment of the game" and it depends solely on each photographer which moment he (or she) deems the most fitting.
To submit a photo for this contest, send us up to four photos to Don't forget to attach your name, Instagram name (if you have one), introduction of you as a photographer, and a link to your photo gallery, to show us that you are a photographer - that you are entitled to take part in this contest.
The main prize of this contest is 200 EUR.
All submitted photos will be uploaded to the ESF Instagram account shortly after they're received. Voting on Facebook will be open after the submissions deadline.
General Conditions
- Each participant may submit up to 4 photos, showing the most attractive moments of the game
- All photos have to be received before 20:00 GMT on November 15, 2016.
- The evaluation process consists of two stages, both of which will take place from November 16
to November 25, 2016.
1) Each photo will be evaluated on a ten-grade scale by the contest Jury.
2) The photos will be uploaded onto ESF’s Facebook page, where the public will vote for their favorite picture by using the “like” button (the remaining Facebook reaction buttons will count as a like for this matter, despite the possible interpretation of the emotion they represent).
- The picture with the highest number of likes will receive additional 10 points, the second highest 9 points, etc.
- Final standings will be calculated as a sum of all points received by a particular picture. If two or more pictures are tied with the same number of points, the final order will be determined by the number of likes they’d received on Facebook. Contest Jury will consist of 5 members: Mr. Tzvetan Tomchev, Mrs. Mete Jacobsen, Mr. Dejan Jesic, Mr. John Austin and Mr. Youri Alkalay. The jury should submit their evaluations no later than November 25, 2016
- Winner – 200 EUR, a recognition plaque and a full set of ESF merchandise
- Runner-up – Certificate of recognition and a set of ESF merchandise
- Third place – Certificate of recognition and a set of ESF merchandise
Technical Requirements - The minimum size of the submitted picture is 3000 pixels on the longer side. Submitting a photo All photos shall be sent to (if necessary, via a file-transfer service, such as WeTrasfer).
The contestants must include their name with the submission and a link to their photogallery.
Copyright notice
- All photographs submitted into the contest may be used by ESF, and/or authorized by ESF for use by
third parties for purposes connected with the promotion of the game of softball, preparation of
printed/electronic presentation, advertisements etc. By submitting the picture, the author states that
he is the sole copyright owner of the submitted material, and acknowledges that he understands and
agrees with the abovementioned copyright rules.
/cover photo by Glenn Gervot/
-Helena Novotná-