Becoming a Slowpitch Umpire
It was my first personal experience in slowpitch world, and I'm still thankful for the clinic and the following week of a tournament.
Here are my comments:
Location: The clinic was held at Riccione field. This allowed us to attend theoretical lessons, but also to move on fields to immediately see in the real world what learned in theory. This helped a lot (at least me) to better understand topics (pitching, angles, and distances, etc).
Instructors: both Chris and Hans made us students feel comfortable, involving us in discussions and by not making the course a one-way-only from them to us. They pushed us for questions, and in their lessons, they mixed rules, theory but also examples of what happens on the field and how to manage it. Mr. Rex was also attending in the background, joining us sometimes with comments and real-life cases he faced in his career.
Materials: A powerpoint presentation was excellent, grouping rules and matching them with related penalties, base awards, etc. But what helped us a lot were the softball field mat and the pawns. Chris laid it on the table, and that was great in order to understand umpires rotation, runner positions during case situations, etc. That was like watching a game before our eyes.
On the photo from left to right: Hans Daanen (Instructor), Matteo Sabbadini, Peter Allaerts, Francesco Benvenuti, Federico Delorenzi, Pavel Podhajecky, Chris Moon (Clinician).
-Matteo Sabbadini-